December 14, 2015 - Comments Off on A Brave New World
A Brave New World
Sometime in the latter half of the first decade of the new millennium, the advertising industry took a giant leap of faith and killed itself. I don’t mean self-immolation or anything, but traditional advertising died in that fateful decade. It was a leap, which ended in a thud that was heard around the world.
And it forgot to invite you to its funeral.
It was a time of societal upheaval – a chaotic era that will go down in the history books as The Smartphone Era. I think it was around this time that the collective intelligence of the world dropped a notch. The term ‘social’ stopped living up to its definition around this time. During the glorious years of the Internet in the late 90s, people touted the fact that the world was becoming smaller, when in fact, the opposite happened. People found a way to ensconce themselves in their pillow fortresses in their basements and avoided each other like the plague. Don’t get me wrong – this isn’t a random generalization, but rather a very scary reality that happened. ‘Facebook Anxiety’ has caused more suicides in the past decade than the number of shark attacks.
In this millennial age, where armchair activists are a nation’s freedom fighters, traditional advertising techniques like TV commercials and newspaper advertisements have lesser clout than a well-timed tweet of 140 characters. Brands are starting to realize this, albeit a bit slowly, and ‘digital agencies’ have sprung up around every corner, joining in the feeding frenzy. I still remember a time, not too long ago, when brands poured in money and resources to make sure their Facebook and Twitter pages had a constant stream of content flowing, without caring much as to whom it was reaching. Naturally, they failed. A lot of them failed. Five years ago, it was a nuclear winter, and the only ones who could survive were the ones who could evolve the fastest.
Brave New World is an idea that was born in this wasteland – a radical new idea that aimed to resurrect the principles and values of traditional advertising and combine it with the fleeting power of the modern ad, and create a mutant that would survive any number of nuclear winters. We are creating experiences that cut across the miasma of mediocrity floating around and aim to straddle the physical and digital worlds in a way that’s never been done before.
This is our blog. Welcome.
Published by: bravenewworld in Advertising
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