International Days of Whatnot - you can’t live with ‘em, but you can’t live without ‘em. And neither can the brands that live on Facebook. So what really creates eye contact with Facebookers who’ve got almost as many viewing choices as the CIA? - Content that speaks the unspoken and makes conversations about the unexpected.

Organic engagement is the holy grail of social media campaigns. Our latest Raksha Bandhan film for Trends helped create authentic conversations around sibling relationships. With 2000+ unique comments, most crossing 200+ words, our film proved that fans will willingly engage with brands that truly understand their world.

Continuing the many firsts for Trends, we helped create the brand’s first-ever World Cup film. The campaign put fans at the centre of the campaign and celebrated their crazy lucky rituals. Using #TrendYourLuck our fans showed the boys in blue just how crazy they were about the game.

With Ramzan coming to an end, we couldn't help but celebrate the spirit of selflessness that comes alive in every single tradition during this holy month. Together with Trends, we created the Bano Bay Gharz campaign that not only tips its hat to those who help us become the best version of ourselves but to those who put a smile on our faces with their small yet significant acts of love.

Keeping with the theme of last year's Diwali film, we helped Trends create a new ad that called for noise-free celebrations. This year, we helped shine the light on an often over-looked part of society who suffer as a result of non-stop fireworks - the elderly. The film drew a wide spectrum of reactions as our fans debated how they would be 'Shorstoppers' this Diwali.

This Rakhi, for Reliance Trends we took a trip down 90s nostalgia lane to celebrate a relationship of two with their world divided in half. With #AadheKaBandhan, we delved into the childhood of a brother and sister who were forced to share everything but learning to live with their half actually made their bond twice as strong. The best part? The siblings of India recognised their #AadheKaBandhan and made it trend. At least that’s what the numbers say.

"Who needs fireworks, when your family is full of fireworks” - This year, we helped Reliance Trends remind the country that the real light and sound of Diwali isn’t born out of a cracker box, but is the result of human nature and family dynamics. A Diwali film for Facebook well poised to join the most burning debate this Diwali — To Firework or Not To Firework. Owing to its topicality, the film had vociferous lovers and haters, and the numbers speak volumes.

Indian dads and their kids don’t always express love and affection overtly. So, for Father’s Day, we encouraged children to tell their fathers how they really feel by sending them their ‘Dad Drafts’.

Kids often forget that their moms were once fun teenagers too. This Mother's Day, we asked kids start building an open relationship filled with understanding, support and trust by getting to know the other side of their mother.

With divisive political elements growing stronger and stronger every day within the country, this Indian Republic Day 2017, we asked the nation to help another R word trend too.